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Workout Tips

Posted by on 9:04 am in Resources | 0 comments

Workout Tips

Workout Tip #1: Always try to add intervals into your cardio. Spike up heart rate by sprinting for 30 seconds and then jogging for 30 seconds. This can be done on any type of cardio equipment and for different amounts of time. Workout Tip #2: Chart your progress. Have a starting point and track your success. Plus, it helps keep you motivated! Workout Tip #3: Incorporate single leg exercises to help with balance, core and stability. This is also a key to injury prevention. For more tips and information about injury prevention, click...

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What Clients are Saying

Posted by on 10:40 pm in Resources | 0 comments

What Clients are Saying

Selecting a personal trainer is exactly that – a personal thing! You want someone that’s not only experienced but who knows how to connect with their clients and understands your individual needs and goals. Take a look at what some of Fitness by Design’s current clients are saying: “Tara has been my personal trainer for over a year. I love that each of my workouts is personally tailored to my needs. With Tara’s help, I’ve lost weight, built strength and learned to be committed to my own fitness goals. Her...

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Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

Posted by on 8:39 pm in Resources | 0 comments

Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

There are many reasons why people decide to work with a personal trainer. Below are some of the main ones: Help you get started with a fitness program. Reach and maintain a healthy bodyweight. Encourage you to tackle your short-term and long-term goals. Hold you accountable and keep you consistent. Make sure you are working out correctly and getting the most out of a session. Teach you new ways to train and help break the same old workout routine. Fine tune skills and form. As an athlete, having a trainer can get you to the next...

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